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[1]   石玲, 王涛, 辛鹏.宝鸡市地质灾害基本类型和空间分布特征[J].地质通报, 2013, 32(12):23~31. SHI Ling, WANG Tao, XIN Peng. Main types and spatial distribution characteristics of the geohazards in Baoji City[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2013, 32(12):23~31.  
[2]   万兆发, 宋红香, 李海平, 等.宝鸡地区地质灾害发育特征浅析[J].陕西地质, 2004, 22(2):94~100. WAN Zhao-fa, SONG Hong-xiang, LI Hai-ping, et al. The evolution characteristics of geological hazards occurring in Baoji District[J]. Geology of Shaanxi, 2004, 22(2):94~100.  
[3]   张春山, 何淑军, 辛鹏, 等.陕西省宝鸡市渭滨区地质灾害风险评价[J].地质通报, 2009, 28(8):1053~1063. ZHANG Chun-shan, HE Shu-jun, XIN Peng, et al. Risk evaluation of geological hazards in Weibin District, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, China[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2009, 28(8):1053~1063.  
[4]   韩金良, 燕军军, 孙炜锋, 等.陕西宝鸡陈仓区吴家湾滑坡风险评价[J].地质通报, 2009, 28(8):1118~1126.HAN Jin-liang, YAN Jun-jun, SUN Wei-feng, et al. Risk assessment of Wujiagou landslide in Chencang District, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, China[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2009, 28(8):1118~1126.  
[5]   张春山, 韩金良, 孙炜锋, 等.陕西省陇县地质灾害危险性分区评价[J].地质通报, 2008, 27(11):1795~1802. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2552.2008.11.006ZHANG Chun-shan, HAN Jin-liang, SUN Wei-feng, et al. Assessments of geohazard danger zoning in Longxian County, Shaanxi, China[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2008, 27(11):1795~1802. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2552.2008.11.006  
[6]   吴树仁, 张春山, 等.宝鸡市陇县、金台区、渭滨区、陈仓区等12区县地质灾害详细调查报告[R].北京:中国地质科学院地质力学研究所, 2012.  
[7]   李滨, 吴树仁, 石菊松.渭北黄土塬区滑坡发育特征及分布规律研究[J].水土保持研究, 2011, 18(5):212~216. LI Bin, WU Shu-ren, SHI Ju-song. Research on development characteristics and distribution of landslides in Weibei loess tableland area[J]. Research of Soil and Water Conservation, 2011, 18(5):212~216.  
[8]   谭成轩, 雷伟志, 孙炜锋, 等.中国典型粘黄土区地质灾害风险评估危险性影响因素分析[J].地质通报, 2008, 27(11):1771~1781. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2552.2008.11.003TAN Cheng-xuan, LEI Wei-zhi, SUN Wei-feng, et al. An analysis of the danger influence factors of geohazard risk assessments in typical stick loess regions in China[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2008, 27(11):1771~1781. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2552.2008.11.003  
[9]   谭成轩, 孙炜锋, 张春山, 等.宝鸡地区典型黄土剖面钻孔岩芯工程地质特性研究[J].工程地质学报, 2011, 19(5):732~748. TAN Cheng-xuan, SUN Wei-feng, ZHANG Chun-shan, et al. Engineering geological features from borehole cores for typical loess section in Baoji region of loess plateau[J]. Journal of Engineering Geology, 2011, 19(5):732~748.  
[10]   李东林, 吴树仁, 张春山, 等."醉汉林"作为滑坡和边坡变形特征标志的意义——以陕西陇县地区为例[J].地质通报, 2007, 26(5):613~619. LI Dong-lin, WU Shu-ren, ZHANG Chun-shan, et al. Significance of "drunk men woods" as an indication of landslides and slope deformation:A case study of the Longxian area, Shaanxi, China[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2007, 26(5):613~619.  
[11]   李滨. 多级旋转型黄土滑坡演化机理研究[D]. 西安: 长安大学, 2009. LI Bin. Study on the evolution mechanism of multiple rotational loess landslide[D]. Xi'an:Chang'an University, 2009.  
[12]   何淑军, 张春山, 陈志华, 等.陕西省宝鸡市渭滨区夏呀河滑坡风险评估[J].地质通报, 2009, 28(8):1064~1076. HE Shu-jun, ZHANG Chun-shan, CHEN Zhi-hua, et al. Risk evaluation for Xiayahe landslide in Weibin District, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, China[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2009, 28(8):1064~1076.  
[13]   孙炜锋. 千阳县千河谷地典型粘黄土区地质灾害危险性评价研究[D]. 北京: 中国地质科学院, 2008. SUN Wei-feng. Study on geological hazard assessment in typical stick loess region in Qianhe valley, Qianyang County[D]. Beijing:Chinese Academy of Geological Science, 2008.  
[14]   孟庆华. 秦岭山区地质灾害风险评估方法研究——以陕西凤县为例[D]. 北京: 中国地质科学院, 2011. MENG Qing-hua. Study on the methods of geo-hazards risk assessment in Qinling Mountain:A case study of Feng County, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province[D]. Beijing:Chinese Academy of Geological Science, 2011.  
[15]   刘鑫, 陈奇, 吴树仁, 等.陕西陇县李家下滑坡风险评价[J].地质通报, 2008, 27(6):895~903. LIU Xin, CHEN Qi, WU Shu-ren, et al. Risk assessment of the Lijiaxia landslide in Longxian County, Shaanxi, China[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2008, 27(6):895~903.  
[16]   辛鹏, 吴树仁, 石菊松, 等.基于降雨响应的黄土-基岩型滑坡失稳机制分析——以宝鸡市麟游县岭南滑坡为例[J].工程地质学报, 2012, 20(4):547~555. XIN Peng, WU Shu-ren, SHI Ju-song, et al. Failure mechanism analysis of loess-rock landslide under rainfall:Take the Lingnan landslide in Linyou County of Baoji City for an example[J]. Journal of Engineering Geology, 2012, 20(4):547~555.  
[17]   杨为民, 吴树仁, 谭成轩, 等.陕西宝鸡地区对滑式黄土滑坡的特征及其碰撞诱发机理[J].地质通报, 2008, 27(11):1854~1861. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2552.2008.11.013YANG Wei-min, WU Shu-ren, TAN Cheng-xuan, et al. Characteristics of opposite-loess landslides and its collision induced in the Baoji area, Shaanxi, China[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2008, 27(11):1854~1861. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2552.2008.11.013  
